Little Johnny was never good at science academically, always performed badly in tests and exams. But today, he walks back home, holding his science exam paper, which was marked 100%, on his right hand with a smile on his face. He is glad that the syllabus of the science subjects has just changed recently; science has never been any easier. And he can’t wait to show his parents such a remarkable marks that he had scored. Here’s his exam script:
St. Mary High School
Year 10 Science Exam
Name: John Smith
Class: Year 10 B
Score: 100%
This exam paper consists of 10 questions, answer ALL, each question carries 10%
1. Why does earth have day and night?
Answer: The Creator makes it so.
2. Why does every object fall to the ground?
Answer: The Creator decides so, so that earthly objects cannot float and eventually reach heaven, heaven would be too crowded then.
3. Snake hisses, but was there a time when they could actually speak in human language? Explain.
Answer: Yes, snake could talk to human once upon a time. But after a snake tempted a human to eat an apple, God punished the snakes, so that they can’t talk but hiss.
4. What’s the difference between the first humans and her offsprings?
Answer: The first humans don’t have belly buttons, since The Creator created them from scratch, they were not given birth by anyone.
5. What causes earthquake?
Answer: It’s a message from God about his anger on human beings.
6. Explain the phenomenon of rainbow.
Answer: It’s a promise from God to the human that He won’t punish the human with a global flood again.
7. The universe, as we know it, is 10,000 years old and its size is at least 93 light years. Explain how such a big space can be formed in such a short time?
Answer: The mighty Creator makes everything happens, therefore the Creator can easily make this happen too. In fact, He did it in just 7 days.
8. Carbon dating shows that most of the fossils found are actually older than the age of earth and universe (10,000 years). Explain the contradiction.
Answer: No contradiction here, it is just The Creator who makes them appear to be that old, but actually they are not that old, they just as old as or younger than the earth.
9. Why is the sea blue in colour?
Answer: It’s a beautiful colour, so The Creator decides to make it blue.
10. What do you get when you mix an acid and an alkali? Explain.
Answer: You will get something that the Creator creates and decides that it should work that way.
The syllabus of science has just changed, where they put in the “creation science” elements into the syllabus, making it an alternative point of view of science and nature, after some influential religious groups lobbied the lawmakers and pushed for “equal time” inclusion of creation “science” into the school science syllabus. They demanded their point of view should be taught to the school kids in the same manner as how the school teaches the ‘real science” (evolution, big bang, geology….), they went to the court and they won, schools were forced to change their syllabus.
-----------------------------------End of story---------------------------------------------
Reflecting on the story, when you are reading little Johnny’s exam script, don’t you feel that the answers are just ridiculous? However rubbish and bullshit they might be, under the interpretation of creation “science”, they are acceptable answers. Horrible? Well, this is what might happen if we really allow creationism to be included in school syllabus. In fact, there are lots of religious groups out there around the world, especially in the United States, are demanding the schools and the state education department to teach creationism in science classes. They even went to the court to seek order from the court to force the schools to teach creationism.
Basically, what creation ‘scientists’ have for us today is that: you have a bunch of scientific questions to be bombarded to them, why, how, what…… and the basic message from them is, Sorry Folks, that’s the way it is, The Creator, there’s nothing more to be explained. Fullstop. A Big Fullstop. And then even if they really succeeded in forcing the schools to teach creationism, what are they going to teach in it? “Well today, students, just remember that, The Creator is taking charge of everything, don’t ask why, because the holy book says so. Now you may take a break, have a good day.” Is that it? Nothing else? No details? And yet, they are demanding “equal time and status” in teaching of creationism in classrooms. They claimed it’s only fair to provide both Darwinism and creationism point of view to the students at schools, so that the students can decide on their own which view they want to accept. But hang on a minute, do we get “equal time and status” in introducing evolution and big bang theory in churches too? Now, where’s the equal time? Where’s the fairness?
More importantly, creationism is nothing close to science and should not be presented as ‘science’ in schools or wherever. The ‘creation scientists’ are constantly seeking interpretation as to what defines as “science” from the court as they want ‘creationism’ to be regarded as science. Creationism becoming part of science? Don’t kid yourself. It’s just like the fairy tale of Snow White being included in your history class, and then the fact from Harry Potter that the Gringotts goblins are actually good bankers, being included in your accounting textbook. See how ridiculous it is?
--------------------------End of Rant-----------------------------------------------------------------------
If you have read up to this far, seems like you are still interested, good on you! But then, Well, you might think, what the hell is science actually? I have to say that actually I don’t know either but perhaps we can explore it together! Welcome to the “Integrated NOT-so-ordinary Introduction to Science”!
Good day everyone, every now and then, I have this intention of starting a series of articles on promoting popular science, but I didn’t know how and where to start with because science is such a wide subject and let’s face it, it has an image problem of being a boring subject.
So what should I do? What should I do so as to make science to become an interesting and popular topic, or to make you actually not clicking the “x” button on the top right corner of your browser right now?
Well, when we talk about science, the first thing will come to people’s mind is physical science, the science that they made you learned in school and from those dull textbooks. But the science that I will talk about in my series of rants will basically include everything that happens under the sun and beyond the sun, such as:
Why your study desk will get messier as time goes by? Is time travel really possible? (Physics),
What are the chances of PR winning the next general election? Is democracy the best form of government? (Political Science),
What are the chances of you having the same birthday with someone else in your class? Under what conditions will Achilles lose a running race to a tortoise? (Mathematics),
What should we do with the illegal immigrants in Sabah? How will a future city look like? (Sociology),
Why the only tunes that you can’t get out of your head are the ones you shouldn’t have let in? Why does Dejavu have to be seen to be believed? (Random Science),
Which is the best city to live in? What is the deepest place on earth? (Geography),
Is the sweeper position still applicable in modern soccer? How do coaches motivate their players? (Sport Science)
Will a pandemic disease wipe out the entire human population? What are the chances of robots taking over the position of human as the ruler of the earth? (Biology and Evolutionary Science),
Are there any substitutes to the depleting fuel minerals? How much do you contribute towards the rise in temperature of the earth? (Environmental Science),
What is Starbucks index? What are the riskiest investments? (Economics and Finance),
Why does a painting’s value rise exponentially only after the artist has died? (Arts)
Hang on hang on hang on, this is too much, you are basically including every subject that you can think of, you would think. And yep, that’s exactly the point, as I said I would talk and make comment about nearly everything in this universe, particularly on our worldly earth and there I go as you can see, or probably on even wider scopes, which I didn’t mention above. But yeah, I think a subject can be considered as science, if we can think and analyse the subject critically (i.e with good reasoning, evidence and logic). Of course, this does not mean that we should be emotionless when considering about stuff. To cut the crap out and get straight to the point, all I can say is, let’s learn together through my little ranting platform here, I hope we will speak our minds out by leaving comments here, no matter what it is, and we can discuss and share our opinions. And yah, once again, welcome to the “Integrated NOT-so-ordinary Introduction to Science” and we shall begin our scientific exploration journey!